I already have a couple Custom-Apps which handle direct inward dialing on my inbound routes, so sending caller id to my MythTV box was as simple as adding one line to each Custom-App in extensions_custom.conf:
exten => s,4,System(/bin/echo "Caller: ${CALLERID(name)} ${CALLERID(number)}" | /usr/bin/nc -w 3 myth.example.com 1234)
On the MythTV side I decided to use xosd rather than mythosd because the latter will only work when you are watching live TV or recordings. I created a simple wrapper script called osd.sh:
osd_cat --font=$FONT --align=centre --shadow=2 --color=SeaGreen –delay=15
At this point I have the PBX sending caller id to MythTV and osd_cat to display the data on screen, but I need a simple way to catch the data on port 1234 and feed it to my osd.sh script. I did this with one command:
micro_inetd 1234 ./osd.sh &
Micro_inetd is a nice replacement for inetd, xinetd, etc. if, as here, only one service needs to be managed. I set this to always start with xfce4-autostart-editor which naturally only works with the Xfce 4 desktop environment. Gnome, KDE, and other desktops have their own session managers.
Of course, now that we have caller id on the TV, I'll need to create a caller id lookup to compensate for the wretched state of telco support; fortunately I can put that off until next year :)
Update: change osd.sh to format phone numbers
cid=`cat | perl -pe 's/(1?\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/$1.$2.$3/'`
echo "$cid" | osd_cat --font=$FONT --align=centre --shadow=2 \
--color=SeaGreen --delay=15
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